Al Muqaddimah


The introduction.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah. 

It is I, Mimi Hassan. One who will write about her life journey, adventures or whatever that will drive me to write, if He wills.

I have always wanted to write in a blog, in fact, I used to write in 2016. I discontinued writing here -deleted the previous posts- because I did not have a strong purpose on why I need to write. I became a silent user on Instagram, basically, rarely post anything. Too anxious about what other people might think. Too afraid of people's reactions regarding my '360° change' as someone would say. I rather not be labeled as 'tudung yg berlabuh/muslimah/solehah/etc' directed towards me (but if silently as a du'aa, then sure) because I am just the same like other women, striving to become a better person. But that is just for another story.

Normally, I would simply write in my notebook, not letting others read. But as years passed, I kept on coming across with one of my favourite quotes from a lovely soul, urging me to continue on writing,

"Because even when you are gone, your writing can still benefit those who stay" - NNM ❤

May Allah grant her the highest rank in Jannatul Firdaus. Aamiin aamiin ya Rabbal alaamiin.

I want to keep on writing so that I can look back to see how far my life has been. As a part of my motivation to continue on finding myself, exploring the hidden treasures of Allah, but most importantly, hoping that my writing may benefit someone sedikit sebanyak, and an amal jariah for myself and for the people involved through my writing. In shaa Allah.

I choose to use formal language for my writings, but of course, I want my writing to look relaxed -hence, the emotive language- but this is also for educational purposes. Solely for the sake to improve my writing skills, haha,.In shaa Allah, may Allah ease.

I would like to give a huge appreciation for those who have stayed and be a part in my life, to those who gave endless advice and teachings, to those who showed kindness and support, and many more. May Allah bless all of you, always.

In shaa Allah, to a new beginning and more adventures await. May Allah always grant me and you, His taufiq wal hidayah to be consistent in writing, beneficial to others and istiqomah on obeying Allah and our Prophet Muhammad (ص).

Aamiin ya Rabb.

Yours Truly,  


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