Balai Khazanah Islam Sultan Haji Hassanal Bolkiah ❤

Allahumma Solli 'Ala Sayyidina Muhammad.

First word: Ma shaa Allah.

When I first heard about the news that a new 'museum' has just recently been established, my heart was excited with joy!

'Next journey for KNK session? Joooooom!!!'

You see, I have this 'group of friends' (varies for every session haha) that enjoys KNK as much as I do. A group of friends that actually makes an effort to make it happen, no matter what it takes. (Dart lah jawapannya tu hahaha) truly blessed to know each and every one of them, Alhamdulillah. May we always have the intention to do this KNK not just for fun but solely for the sake to learn Allah's 'ilmu. in shaa Allah, aamiin.

Wednesday, 16th October 2019.

Indeed, Allah is the best of planners.

Feeling overwhelmed by emotions, as we were planning to go to the Balai Khazanah Islam SHHB the next day.
"Mims, we plan and Allah also plans but Allah is the Best of Planners. Mungkin bukan rezeki, jangan sedih, Allah bukakan banyak lagi pintu ilmu as long as our hati ikhlas. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe another time. Today was the last day" - A.
It is just a museum. But for us, it is much more than that. 

Words could not express how much we wanted to go there. From all the stories we heard from the people who have visited the place, it reminds me of the time where Pameran Cinta & Kenali Rasulullah (PCKR) in conjunction with the Brunei December Festival was held in ICC in 2017. Such an unforgettable experience.

Okay, I believe ada hikmah disebaliknya why we could not go there, maybe Allah was trying to teach us something even though hati masih terasa berat huhu. 

But ma shaa Allah, Allah is truly the Most Generous and Most Understanding. A few hours later, I received a message where it said the exhibition has been extended until 23rd October 2019. Ya Allah, may Allah bless orang-orang yang bertugas with His endless barokah, aamiin ya Rabb. 

Thursday, 17th October 2019.

It is D-Day! 

The day I have been longing for.

It is beyond words- ma shaa Allah. It is just beautifully amazing.

Mulai dengan Bismillahirrahmannirrahim, I stepped into the hallway.

Just, beautiful.

For every step we took, for every second that time has passed, I truly savoured every single moment of it. I was easily fascinated by everything haha but how could I not?

Allah's creations are too beautiful to deny.

We took a slow pace, mesmerizing every detail of the exhibition in the gallery and the building's structure itself. Some of the displays almost brought me to tears however, I was too egoistic to even let my walls down. At some point, I could not even dare myself to stare at the kiswah and Rasulullah (ص)'s artifacts longer than I am supposed to.

Felt too sinful untuk melihat benda yang terlalu suci.

One of the firman Allah from the gallery's board that hit me hard was,
"(Apakah kamu orang yang musyrik yang lebih beruntung) ataukah orang yang beribadah pada waktu malam dengan sujud dan berdiri, kerana takut kepada (azab) akhirat dan mengharapkan rahmat Tuhannya? Katakanlah: "Apakah sama orang yang mengetahui dengan orang yang tidak mengetahui?" Sebenarnya hanya orang yang berakal sihat yang dapat menerima pelajaran." [Surah Az-Zumar: 9]
Wallahi, the exhibition indeed made so much reflection. This is my kind of KNK. A journey that has meanings, a journey that allows me to reflect, a journey that can obtain further knowledge.

I still remember in one of my lectures' slides that said,
"Learning without thought is labour lost" - Confucious
"Education is not the learning of facts but the training of the mind to think" - Einstein
which literally means, being able to think, create your own ideas and making association with the new knowledge and experiences obtained.

May Allah bless our Sultan and along with those who built the place be it the workers, the architects and everyone involved in the process of constructing the place beautifully successful. Alhamdulillah, may all the 'ilmu in the exhibition benefitted others, as what our Sultan also hoped for.

All praise and gratitude are due to Allah Azza wa Jal. 💚

Some of the photos are credited to izah, shah, and hibatul. (I forgot which pics are whos haha)
Jazakumullahu khayr. ❤


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