

9th May 2022 Today's intentions: 1) To be kind and generous 2) To start my day with gratitude 3) Praying for barakah in my wealth, time and energy This is just something that occurred randomly to me today but I can't help to write it down as I want to remember it and reflect on it over time. Excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes, this is really a raw piece of writing. Bismillah. I was going off to work and my fuel was running low. I was left with 2 bars and even received a warning sign to get my car refuelled. I rummaged through my bag to check how much I have at that moment and Alhamdulillah, I was so grateful that I have $5 ngam ngam in my wallet + angpao. I actually have a dollar extra but I gave it away to the worker as a tip and with the intention to be kind and generous as what A's family have taught me. And truly, I felt so much lighter even when knowing I didn't have any more cash in my wallet haha literally cashless . But ma shaa Allah, when I was at work, I


Lost. Forgive her Lord, for she has lost. A lot of times people would post something in their social accounts and maybe write or share something great.  A lot of times they would share something only what they want other people to see. All the good things in their life but rarely was the darkest moments in their life.  A multiple of times have she been deceived, "Her life is so much better" "Why can't I have her life" She knew so little whereas Allah knows much more better. Laying on the bed, staring blankly on the wall.. oh how unproductive she looked. But in her mind, a thousand of words was forming sentences where she could not bring up to write. Unbothered. Locked herself in her room, not finding the need to talk to anyone. Not that anyone would care or try to understand her.  Taken for granted was what it was for her leniency.  Written on 13th January, 2021 7:37pm

"Travelling When Home: The Art Of Inward Journeying

بسم اللَّه الرحمن الرحيم Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Hello everyone. I pray that all of you are in the best state of health and Imaan. In shaa Allah. For today's post, I will be sharing some points from an online webinar delivered by Ustazah 'Alimatunnisa A Ghani and Aida Azlin as the moderator.  However, there are some points in the content that is more relevant for women than in men but in shaa Allah no worries, it's either you can just skip it or you can also read it as another 'ilm to tell your wife/mother/sisters. In shaa Allah, may we get most of the 'ibrah and effectively apply them in our everyday life. "Travelling When Home: The Art of Inward Journeying" - Ustazah 'Alimatunnisa A Ghani & Aida Azlin (Online Webinar, 16 April 2020) We are indeed in a special time. How many times have you told yourself that you just want to take a break from everything and just stay at home? Subhanallah. Allah has granted yo

"Menyingkap Tabir Ramadhan" Part II

بسم اللَّه الرحمن الرحيم [Part II] Ramadhan.. Apakah itu Ramadhan? Ustazah Asma' Harun explained this based on acronyms (not found in any dalil). Beliau hanya membuat akronim ini supaya kita senang untuk ingat erti 'Ramadhan'.   ر م ض ا ن Ro (  ر   )  ' Ridwanullah ' - Redha Allah Redha dengan Allah. Accept ibu bapa tani, cara kehidupan tani. Redha dengan rupa paras diri sendiri.. etc. Mim (  م  ) ' Maghfiratullah ' - Pengampunan Allah Pengampunan dari Allah. Orang yang sentiasa beristighfar (zikr bil jawarih).  Bagaimana nak tahu if Allah accepts our forgiveness?  Dia tidak pernah berhenti bertaubat kerana Allah kurniakan dia rezq untuk sentiasa bertaubat kepadaNya. Dhod (  ض  ) ' Domanullah ' - Jaminan dari Allah Domani bermaksud Jaminan.  Barangsiapa yang menghidupkan Ramadhan dengan menghitung dirinya  dengan iman dan bermuhasabah , Allah akan mengampunkan dosanya yang lal

"Menyingkap Tabir Ramadhan" Part I

بسم اللَّه الرحمن الرحيم Assalamulaikum Warahmatullah. The session was originally delivered in Malay. In shaa Allah this piece of writing will be typed in both Malay and English (mixed); for others to understand more with ease. In shaa Allah.  These are some of the points I had written down while listening. Deepest apologies for any faults in my writing. May this be beneficial to whoever reads it. Aamiin ya Rabb. "Menyingkap Tabir Ramadhan" - Bonda Prof Muhaya dengan Ustazah Asma' Harun (FB Live,  14 April 2020 ). "Kita tidak boleh tenang jika tidak sihat badan " " Akal yang sejahtera adalah hati yang sejahtera " - Bonda Prof Muhaya. Orang yang panjang umurnya adalah keberkatan kerana umur itu sendiri adalah keberkatan . ... Zikir "Kenapa jika kita berzikir tapi masih tak rasa tenang? " "Kerana hati kita lalai" ... Perbuatan zikir ada tiga (3) : Lisan Apabila kita berzikir, kita hendaklah  menye

ASC4: Aku Anomalis 👩‍🚀🚀

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Allahumma Solli 'Ala Sayyidina Muhammad. Indeed, Allah's ni'mah is remarkably large to an extent where it cannot be counted, "And if you count the ni'mah of Allah, never will you be able to count them." [Ibrahim : 34] Feeling content with life is one of the biggest ni'mah anyone has ever wished for. All praises due to the al-Karim, The Most Generous, The Most Giving. The journey of participating Ash-Shaliheen Camp 4 was never a smooth path. As expected, there were ups and downs even way before I was officially registered for the camp, where I nearly withdrew myself. I may have repeatedly stated this in my previous posts but truly, He is the Best of Planners. He is the greatest director of all lives' journey. No one can say otherwise. Our 4 days and 3 nights were designed with challenges, sacrifices, love, and ukhuwwah. Now that I have thought about it, it was not because of the activities, the people, and the en

Midnight Thoughts.

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Tests. All believers shall be tested. "Do the people think that they will be left to say, "We believe" and they will not be tested? " [29:2] Whatever you are going for, it can be in the form of tests. A test for you, A test that you need to face and take it on, Even if the tests seem to be too difficult to handle, Remember the words of Allah Azza wa Jal, "Allah will not burden a soul beyond it can bear.." [2:286] If we outstretch the meaning of the verse, it also holds an important du'aa that people often overlooked. Allah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity. It will have [the consequence of] what [good] it has gained, and it will bear [the consequence of] what [evil] it has earned. "Our Lord, do not impose blame upon us if we have forgotten or erred . Our Lord, and lay not upon us a burden like that which You laid upon those before us . Our Lord, and burden us not with