
Showing posts from May, 2022


9th May 2022 Today's intentions: 1) To be kind and generous 2) To start my day with gratitude 3) Praying for barakah in my wealth, time and energy This is just something that occurred randomly to me today but I can't help to write it down as I want to remember it and reflect on it over time. Excuse any grammar or spelling mistakes, this is really a raw piece of writing. Bismillah. I was going off to work and my fuel was running low. I was left with 2 bars and even received a warning sign to get my car refuelled. I rummaged through my bag to check how much I have at that moment and Alhamdulillah, I was so grateful that I have $5 ngam ngam in my wallet + angpao. I actually have a dollar extra but I gave it away to the worker as a tip and with the intention to be kind and generous as what A's family have taught me. And truly, I felt so much lighter even when knowing I didn't have any more cash in my wallet haha literally cashless . But ma shaa Allah, when I was at work, I